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Sonnemm Querer Es Poder [WAV]

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奇妙 2020年10月24日| 50兆字节

位于秘鲁洛杉矶的音乐制作人“ Sonnemm”提供了有史以来最出色的采样包,其中第一个声音包的灵感来自传统的秘鲁Chicha“ Querer es poder”(“有志者事竟成”)。Chicha是来自Cumbia的子流派,其定义是南美亚马逊丛林深处强大的迷幻体验,在此融合了来自秘鲁首都秘鲁首都利马的激进超速吉他,创造了一种前所未有的流派。拍手,进阶,Hiros,踩Hat,吉他,康加斯和模拟合成器只是这里提供的一些元素,这些元素是为寻找先锋声音而专门为最先锋主义者制作的。

FANTASTiC | 24 October 2020 | 50 MB

Peruvian LA-based Music Producer “Sonnemm” has delivered one of the finest Sample Packs ever, with the very first Sound Pack inspired in Traditional Peruvian Chicha “Querer es poder” (“When there’s a will, there’s a way”). Chicha is a sub-genre from Cumbia defined by the powerful psychedelic experiences of the deep South American Amazon Jungle, where fused with the aggressive overdriven guitars from the Capital of Perú, Lima, created a non-precedent genre. Claps, Progressions, Huiros, Hi Hats, Guitars, Congas and Analog Synthesisers are just some of the elements provided here, specifically selected for the most vanguardist producers, in the search of the sound of the future.

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