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SONiVOX Essential Keyboard Collection v1.0.1 [WiN]

钢琴 PIANO 音频吧 406浏览

R2R团队| 2021年1月1日| 1.36 GB


我们的新型旗舰键盘乐器采用了Qubiq Audio强大的新型struQture音频引擎,可提供全面的DAW兼容性,出色的音质,易于使用的视觉效果和独立的演奏应用程序。这款动感的乐器具有丰富的可播放声音库,旨在在现场表演或录音室使用中表现出出色的声音。

EKC由声音设计领域的资深人士制作,这些声音设计人员来自备受赞誉的Air Music Tech Mini Grand,DB-33和Velvet插件以及Sonivox八十八。我们着手为键盘演奏者提供现场演奏的基本收藏。




如果您更喜欢电子钢琴,那么您绝对会喜欢Essential Keyboard Collection。EKC在可玩性和声音上都具有令人难以置信的真实性,它具有所有经典型号,包括Rhodes Mark I和Mark II,Wurlitzer,Clavinet和难以找到的Pianet。

音乐世界中很少有真正独特的乐器声音。听起来是如此独特,如此引人注目,如此立即可识别且真实,以至于您只需要拥有它。音轮风琴是这些真正出色,无误的乐器声音之一,在1960年代至1980年代,许多伟大的摇滚,灵魂和爵士艺术家都使用了音轮风琴。难忘的音乐家,如史蒂夫·温伍德,深紫色的乔恩·洛德,吉米·史密斯和理查德·“格罗夫”·福尔摩斯,都使用音轮风琴来发挥出色的音乐效果。Essential Keyboard Collection包含20个音轮风琴预设,旨在涵盖爵士,摇滚,流行和其他音乐风格。





BigTick Audio(2gether Audio)提供的Qubiq引擎。这3个SONiVOX插件

Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 1.36 GB

At Sonivox we have over a decade of experience of meticulously sampling and expertly voicing instruments. Over the last 12 months we have been working hard to provide the reference collection of “must-have” instruments for keyboard players.

Our new flagship keyboard instrument utilises the powerful new struQture audio engine from Qubiq Audio, providing full cross DAW compatibility, outstanding sonic quality, visually stunning easy-to-use UI’s and a standalone performance app. This dynamic instrument features a wide library of highly playable sounds designed to sound great in live performances or studio use.

EKC has been produced by the sound design veterans behind the highly-acclaimed Air Music Tech Mini Grand, DB-33 and Velvet plugins as well as Sonivox Eighty-Eight. We set out to provide keyboard players with the essential collection for live performance.

EK includes a selection of thirteen powerful instruments, each with their own intuitive UI built into one powerful player supporting all popular plugin formats. They can also be used as a standalone PC and Mac app when you want to plug in your keyboard and just play. Our comprehensive collection includes the most requested instruments for live performance.

Each instrument includes a set of highly playable presets perfect for any musical genre or style.

The piano – perhaps more than any other single instrument – conveys the whole range of musical thoughts and emotions like nothing else can. EK features stunning Piano models, including a Steinway Grand piano, Yamaha Grand piano, a classic upright piano, Celeste, and even a Toy Piano for times when you need a taste of something different.

If the electric piano is more your thing, you will absolutely love the Essential Keyboard Collection. Incredibly authentic, both in playability and sound, EKC features all the classic models including the Rhodes Mark I and Mark II, Wurlitzer, Clavinet, and a hard to find Pianet.

There are very few truly unique instrumental sounds in the world of music. Sounds so distinct, so compelling, so immediately identifiable and genuine that you just have to have it. One of these really great, unmistakable instrumental sounds is the tonewheel organ, used by many great rock, soul and jazz artists in the 1960’s to 1980’s. Unforgettable musicians like Stevie Winwood, Jon Lord of Deep Purple, Jimmy Smith and Richard “Groove” Holmes used tonewheel organs to great musical effect. The Essential Keyboard Collection includes 20 tonewheel organ presets designed to cover jazz, rock, pop and other music styles.

If you’re looking for something more traditional, EKC offers a church organ, Celeste, and 4 harpsichord models for classical or worship productions.

home page:https://sonivoxmi.com/products/details/essential-keyboard-collection

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