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Epic Stock Media Empire Game [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 302浏览

DECiBEL团队| 2021年2月25日| 725.3兆字节

帝国游戏总共包括618 SFX-灵感来自热门的即时战略游戏和策略计算机游戏,例如《罗马:全面战争与帝国时代》。Empire Game是一款经过精心设计和构想的战争机器,它设计了基于历史回合的游戏音频资产,其中包含建立沉浸式文明,定居点和城镇所需的所有必需品。这些声音针对的是工艺,专业,技能,军队和用户界面,包括从现实到设计和大量处理的内容,这些游戏音频资产几乎可以完成任何需要幻想,RTS和回合制游戏资产的项目。

该库按流行的声音效果类别进行组织,可以更轻松地捕获以下类别的出色幻想游戏体验:氛围循环,动物,胸部和门,收藏品,Foley,小组足迹,菜单UI,专业,和解警报,和解选择,结算UI和战争。96k 24bit .wav文件格式的巨大清晰度和市场领先的富有想象力的音频创造力,可带来无限的多功能性和可重用性。在Empire Game中拥有600多种声音效果,您将毫无疑问地创建广阔的奇幻景观,辐射世界,史诗般的预告片,RTS,MMORPG音频体验等等。

帝国游戏包括600多种最抢手,设计可用于游戏的音频资产和声音效果,例如定居管理FX,例如精选的钟楼,马s,营房,宗教圣地,城镇,城市,城堡,农场,体育馆,剧院,小酒馆,海港,国王宫殿,伐木场等。建造木栅,石墙,放置建筑物,建造新建筑物,从事珠宝加工,锻造,炼金术,附魔,采矿,生产,剥皮,裁缝,烹饪,有用的警报和通知等职业,例如接受任务,失败,胜利,家庭死亡,婚姻,新生,末日回合,灾难,疾病,战争,新文明的发现,资源,政府的袭击,军事集团的步伐,单一步伐……Empire Game提供了创建沉浸式,基于历史回合的游戏所需的一切!

样本总数:1.19 GB

Team DECiBEL | 25 February 2021 | 725.3 MB

Build Immersive Towns and Environments With Ease
Empire Game includes a total of 618 SFX – Inspired by hit RTS & strategy computer games like Rome: Total War & Age of Empires. Empire Game is an expertly crafted and imagined war machine of designed historical-turn-based game audio assets housing all the essentials needed to build immersive civilizations, settlements, and towns. With sounds aimed towards crafting, professions, skills, armies, and UI ranging from realistic to designed & heavily processed, these game audio assets that will complete almost any project where fantasy, RTS, & turn based game assets are required.

Highly Organized With Unlimited Versatility
The library is organized into popular sound effect categories that make it easier to capture outstanding fantasy gaming experiences in the following categories: Ambience Loops, Animals, Chests & Doors, Collects, Foley, Group Footsteps, Menu UI, Professions, Settlement Alerts, Settlement Selects, Settlement UI, & Warfare. Experience unlimited versatility & reusability with the titanic clarity of 96k 24bit .wav file format and market-leading imaginative audio creativity. With 600+ sound effects inside Empire Game, you’ll have no problem creating vast fantastical landscapes, radiant worlds, epic trailers, RTS, MMORPG audio experiences & so much more.

Explore Through Hundreds of High Quality Sound Effects
Empire Game includes 600+ of some of the most sought-after, designed, game-ready audio assets & sound effects such as settlement management FX like select watch towers, stables, barracks, religious shrines, towns, cities, castles, farms, coliseum, theater, tavern, sea port, kings palace, lumber yard, & more. Build palisades, stone walls, place construction, construct new buildings, professions like jewel crafting, blacksmithing, alchemy, enchanting, mining, production, skinning, tailoring, cooking, useful alerts & notifications like accept mission, defeat, victory, death in family, marriage, new born, end turn, disasters, disease, war, new civilization discovered, resources, government attacked, military group marching footsteps, single footsteps… Empire Game has everything you need to create immersive, historical-turn-based games!

Total Size of Samples: 1.19 GB
Total Number of Files: 618

home page:https://epicstockmedia.com/product/empire-game/

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