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Epic Stock Media Battle Royale Game [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 502浏览

奇妙 2021年3月10日| 1.03 GB

不要错过您的落差区。逃避对手的统治。成为第一个升级并体验军事级游戏音频的人。引入我们最新,最令人兴奋的声音库,Battle Royale Game,这是第一人称射击游戏音效库,具有超过900项经过战斗测试和游戏就绪的SFX。

受到Apex,Fortnite,PUBG等热门PC和游戏机的启发。Battle Royale Game是经过精心设计和深思熟虑的军事声音基础,包含自然的和经过最少处理的原始声音,以及大量的混合和高度设计的游戏音频资产。该声音仓库可满足需要FPS风格音效的任何项目。现在开始销售!

大逃杀图书馆分为热门类别,可让您更轻松地创建出色的战争游戏体验。它包括以下文件夹:氛围循环,装备袋,装甲,收集,爆炸,Foley,Gun Foley,Gunshots,物品抓斗,医疗,开口-像弹药盒,门,箱子等,还有一个储备丰富的UI文件夹。在动画,视频,游戏,街机,应用程序,运动图形,电影,电视等中有用。Battle Royale游戏声音库非常适合用于快速原型制作,并且绝对是您的游戏声音杰作的完美选择。Battle Royale FPS SFX库可立即获得专业的音质结果。


所有音效文件旨在使您的生活更轻松,制作流程更快,并以96kHz / 24bit .WAV文件格式提供,以保持一流的音频保真度。另外,还提供了整个集合的44.1k 16Bit .WAV版本,因此您无需转换文件。Battle Royale的预混音频随时可以拖放到您的游戏中。只需选择最适合您的项目的格式和


  • 929种音效
  • ui,战利品,军事,战争,RTS,RPG游戏所需的一切
  • 游戏开发人员和声音设计师必须具备!
  • 非常适合AAA游戏和电影
  • 53分钟的音频效果
  • 包括整个库的多种格式:96k 24bit,44.1k 16bit和可用于游戏的MP3
  • 包括Soundminer元数据,可轻松进行搜索
  • 24个沉浸式环境循环
  • 26个库存袋
  • 43种防弹护盾和抛光板–普通,稀有–使用,拾取,掉落,充电,滑动
  • 79个可随时准备好战利品的战利品收集,物品和硬币–例如健康水罐,战利品容器打开,点数提升,军事捡拾触摸等等
  • 48种多功能爆炸SFX –手榴弹,激光加农炮,地雷,导弹打击,烟雾弹–每组近距离/远距离
  • 119种游戏的动作和项目,例如玩家移动,香蕉使用,食用蘑菇,狙击呼吸,金属工具拾取,地图展开,食堂填充,


  • 254套枪支套件–瞄准,下降枪支,枪支组合,拾取,放置,重新装填和混合
  • 准备好游戏的91张枪声–步枪,突击步枪,冲锋枪,手枪,激光,狙击步枪,shot弹枪–近距离,远距离,长尾巴,短尾巴,干,湿
  • 42个离合器抓斗,例如抓斗,布条,弹药带,皮革,抓斗工具,文件,木槌,金属工具,补给箱,车身推拉斗等。
  • 43种医疗声音–包扎绷带,包扎伤口,掉落医疗物品,注射注射器,使用医疗物品,药瓶,药箱
  • 93个史诗般的敞开式箱子,门,弹药箱,盖子,物品津贴,战利品周转箱,机械分配物品,陷阱和存货打开
  • 67个用户友好的用户界面按钮,单击,开关,点击,页面过渡,清单导航,正提示音,负确认,嗡嗡声,chi声等
  • 所有免版税的RTU-OTB(开箱即用)

您刚刚降落在降落区。这是您统治游戏的终极机会。在您的眼角,您可以窥见令人耳目一新的,功能强大且节省时间的精英战斗大逃杀风格音效。军需官的大门无人看守,因此现在您可以抢夺该音频储存库。去吧。这是您的独家采购,仅可从Epic Stock Media获得。

FANTASTiC | 10 March 2021 | 1.03 GB

Don’t miss your drop zone. Escape domination by your opponent. Be the first to rank up and experience military grade gameplay audio. Introducing our newest and most exciting sound library yet, Battle Royale Game, a first person shooter game sound effects library which features over 900+ battle tested and game ready SFX.

Inspired by hit PC & console games like Apex, Fortnite, PUBG. Battle Royale Game is an expertly crafted and thoughtfully imagined military sound base of natural and minimally processed source sounds plus a significant cache of hybrid & highly designed game audio assets. This storehouse of sound will outfit any project where FPS styled sound effects are needed. Now On Sale!

Create Outstanding Audio Experiences Effortlessly
The Battle Royale library is organized into popular categories that make it easier to create outstanding war game experiences. It includes the following folders: Ambiences Loops, Gear Bags, Armor, Collects, Explosions, Foley, Gun Foley, Gunshots, Item Grabs, Medical, Opens – like ammo boxes, doors, chests etc, and a nicely stocked UI folder. Useful in animations, videos, games, arcades, apps, motions graphics, film, tv & more. Battle Royale Game sound library is great for rapid prototyping and absolutely perfect for your game sound masterpiece. Get professional sound quality results instantly with Battle Royale FPS SFX Library.

A Vast Inventory of Sounds
Includes: sniper rifles, shotguns, grenade blasts, missile strikes, pistol shots, bandages, treasure chests, door opens, body armor, gun handling, apocalyptic/war ambience loops, loot crates, ammo boosts, upgrades, positive notification chimes, kill reward coins, metal parts grab, crafting essentials, perks, new attachment dings, medkits, set traps, mine explosions, smoke grenades, laser cannons, player foley, and movement, consume health, inhale-exhale for steady aim, lock picking, body hit, push body, grabs, pickups, collects, items, slides, gear, lock and unlocks, power-ups, page change, transitions, next pages, screen taps, equipment bass selects, ui hums, chirps, aim, drop, holster, place, reload weapon, and more.

All of the sound effects files are designed to make your life easier, production workflow faster and delivered in 96kHz/24bit .WAV file format to maintain top-notch audio fidelity. Plus, a 44.1k 16Bit .WAV version of the entire collection is provided so you never need to convert files. Battle Royale’s premixed audio is ready to drag and drop into your game. Simply choose the format that suits your project best and

Product details:

  • 929 sound effects
  • Everything you need for ui, loot, military, war, RTS, RPG games
  • A game developer & sound designer must have!
  • Perfect for AAA games & film
  • 53 minutes of audio FX
  • Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96k 24bit, 44.1k 16bit, and game ready MP3
  • Includes Soundminer metadata for easy search capability
  • 24 immersive ambience loops
  • 26 inventory bags
  • 43 body armor shields & buffs – common, rare – use, pick up, drop, recharge, slide
  • 79 game ready loot collects, items, coins – like health jug, loot container open, point boost, military pick up touch & more
  • 48 versatile explosions SFX – grenade, laser cannon, mine, missile strike, smoke grenade – close/distant for each set
  • 119 game foley actions and items like player movement, banana use, consume mushroom, sniper breath, metal tool pick up, map roll out, canteen fill,

stone, wood, cloth, metal & much more

  • 254 gun handling sets – aim, drop guns, gun handling foley, pick up, place, reload and hybrid
  • 91 game ready gunshots – rifle, assault rifle, submachine gun, pistol, laser, sniper rifle, shotgun – close, distant, long tail, short tail, dry, wet
  • 42 clutch grabs like grab item cloth hit, ammo belt, leather, grab tool, document, wood mallet, metal tools, supply box, body push & grab etc.
  • 43 medical sounds – apply bandage, wrap wound, drop medic item, inject syringe, use medical item, pill bottle, med crate
  • 93 epic open chests, doors, ammo boxes, lids, inventory perks, loot crates, dispense item mechanical, set trap & stock opens
  • 67 user-friendly user interface buttons, clicks, switches, taps, page transitions, inventory navigation, positive chimes, negative affirmation, hums, chirps & more
  • All royalty-free RTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)

You’ve just landed in the drop zone. It’s your ultimate chance to dominate the game. In the corner of your eye you spy a refreshing, powerful and ultra time saving cache of elite battle royale style sound effects. The Quartermaster’s gate is unguarded so now you can snag this audio stockpile. Go for it. It’s your exclusive procurement, only from Epic Stock Media.

home page:https://epicstockmedia.com/product/battle-royale-game/

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