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Presonus HeartSick Vol.01 [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 308浏览

团队AUDIOP2P | 2021年3月22日| 337.4兆字节

心痛卷 1可让您获得700+兆字节(未压缩)的大声民谣,并由动臂打击式轰炸机提供支持,特别着重于中速向往和梦幻般的琶音。Heartsick在主要和次要音调之间进行阴阳推拉是其苦乐参半的混合气氛的秘诀,其现代的R&B氛围将使您振作起来,轻松地再次使您躺下。(听起来很熟悉?嗯,情人节快乐。)哦,事实证明,拉动人心弦的最好方法是,用…弦。在这里,您将获得很多模拟和合成的弦循环。再加上钢琴,竖琴和808年代,非常棒。

您将获得十个多轨,带标签,免版税的施工套件,以爱上……,然后分解并重新排列成自己独特的联轴器!您还将获得10个Impact XT的自定义套件,因此您可以对自己的心跳进行排序,从而为您一生中最好的音乐关系打下基础。这些电影般的中速砰砰声会让您神魂颠倒,他们甚至还很礼貌地为您购买晚餐。

10×冲击XT / ATOM套件(的Studio One 4艺术家或更高版本)
尺寸≈ 740 MB(未压缩),352 MB(压缩)

Team AUDIOP2P | 22 March 2021 | 337.4 MB

Heartsick Vol. 1 gets you 700+ megabytes (uncompressed) of big ballads backed by boom-bap bombast, with a special focus on mid-tempo yearning and soaringly dreamy arpeggios. Heartsick’s yin-yang push-pull between major and minor tonalities is the secret to its bittersweet, mixed-emotion atmosphere, and its contemporary R&B vibe will lift you up into elation just to gently lay you down again. (Sound familiar? Well, happy Valentine’s Day.) Oh, and it turns out that the best way to pull one’s heartstrings is with, well… strings. And you’ll get a lot of both analog- and synthesized-sounding string loops here. Plus pianos and harps and 808s, ya big softie.

You get ten multi-track, key-labeled, royalty-free construction kits to fall in love with… and then break up and rearrange into your own unique couplings! You also get ten custom kits for Impact XT, so you can sequence your own heart-beats to build the foundation of the best musical relationship of your life. These cinematic midtempo bangers will sweep you off your feet—and they even have the decency to buy you dinner first.

Compatible with Studio One® Prime, Artist, and Professional (versions 3.5.5 and higher)
10 construction kits (Audioloop format)
139 x 24-bit Audioloops
10 x Impact XT / ATOM kits (Studio One 4 Artist or higher)​
Size ≈ 740 MB (uncompressed), 352 MB (compressed)

home page:https://shop.presonus.com/PreSonus-Heartsick-Vol-1

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