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Native Instruments Transient Master FX v1.4.0 [MacOSX]

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SPTNDC | 2021 年 7 月 6 日 | 60.18 MB


  • 将混音后面的声音带到前面。
  • 加强对鼓和打击乐的攻击。
  • 修复泥泞的录音,或减少混响。

基于工作室的最爱,TRANSIENT MASTER 是必备的动态效果 – 独特的强大,看似简单且极其有用。它是定位鼓和打击乐的首选工具,可让您从前到后混音并拨入恰到好处的空间。

TRANSIENT MASTER 也是有问题的录音的混音修复,只有三个旋钮 – 起音、延音和增益 – 它快速且易于使用。塑造您的声音,让 TRANSIENT MASTER 成为您混音中的秘密香料。

TRANSIENT MASTER 作为主机软件中的独立插件运行。

TRANSIENT MASTER 可以彻底改变声音,或者只是添加微妙之处。微调 Attack 和 Sustain 以获得适合您节拍的声音。

提高起音以获得自信的底鼓和清脆的军鼓,或将 TRANSIENT MASTER 应用于整个鼓组以增加冲击力和清晰度。减少攻击以让事情平静下来 – 例如,在嘶嘶声的踩镲上。声音变得不那么咄咄逼人,并进一步融入整体混音中。


TRANSIENT MASTER 适用于任何具有内在攻击力的乐器。如果吉他轨道的拨片声音过多,请应用 TRANSIENT MASTER 并降低起音。为了让事情变得生动起来,请提高起音 – 每个音符开始时的额外咬合会增加存在感。

使用“延音”来校正录音中的房间声音。对于混响泥泞的吉他轨道,应用 TRANSIENT MASTER 并降低延音以抑制混响。添加微妙的起音,你的吉他现在清脆、活泼,并坐在你的混音前面。

TRANSIENT MASTER 甚至可以让经过预处理、过度压缩的音轨恢复生机。当没有其他任何工作时,TRANSIENT MASTER 可以在转盘时提供即时混音修复。

TRANSIENT MASTER 对于混合鼓、吉他、钢琴、弹拨弦 – 任何具有内在攻击力的东西都是必不可少的。它为您提供了另一个工作轴。除了左右平移之外,您还可以在混音的前部或后部非常精确地定位事物,而无需调整音量级别。

通常,更多的 Attack 和更少的 Sustain 会在前面带来声音;less Attack 和 more Sustain 将声音混合到背景中。即使在 EQ 之前,您也可以根据特定混音的优先级有效地“堆叠”声音。

瞬态是声音开始时的非音调材料。起音控制强调或减弱瞬变,使声音或多或少生动而不影响整体电平。Sustain 控件剪切或延长声音的延音部分。

TRANSIENT MASTER 有效地重塑包络,从源头影响声音。工程师们一致认为,这种“重塑”带来了特别自然和悦耳的效果——而且由于采用简单的三旋钮设计,实现起来既快速又容易。试试 TRANSIENT MASTER,你会想知道没有它你是如何做到的。SPTNDC 注: (v1.4.0)

注意:Official Changelog中仍然存在已知问题。

SPTNDC | 06 July 2021 | 60.18 MB


  • Bring sounds from the back of the mix to the front.
  • Enhance attack on drums and percussion.
  • Fix muddy recordings, or reduce reverb.

Based on a studio favorite, TRANSIENT MASTER is a must-have dynamics effect – uniquely powerful, deceptively simple and extremely useful. It’s the go-to tool for positioning drums and percussion, letting you mix from front to back and dial-in just the right amount of space.

TRANSIENT MASTER is also a mix-fix for problematic recordings and with only three knobs – Attack, Sustain and Gain – it’s quick and easy to use. Shape your sound, and make TRANSIENT MASTER the secret spice in your mix.

TRANSIENT MASTER runs as a stand-alone plug-in within your host software.

TRANSIENT MASTER can make radical changes to a sound, or just add subtleties. Fine-tune both Attack and Sustain to get exactly the right sound for your beats.

Raise the Attack for assertive kicks and crisp snares, or apply TRANSIENT MASTER to the whole drum group for added punch and definition. Reduce Attack to calm things down – on a hissing hi-hat, for example. The sound becomes less aggressive, and blends further back into the overall mix.

‘Sustain’ controls room sound and space. Make snares ring out or add depth to the whole drum group by raising Sustain. Reduce Sustain to tighten things up or kill long reverb tails.

TRANSIENT MASTER is great on any instrument with intrinsic attack. If a guitar track has too much pick sound, apply TRANSIENT MASTER and reduce the Attack. To liven things up, raise the Attack – the additional bite at the onset of each note adds presence.

Use ‘Sustain’ to correct room sound on recordings. For a guitar track with muddy reverb, apply TRANSIENT MASTER and lower the Sustain to choke the reverb. Add subtle Attack, and your guitar is now crisp, lively, and sitting at the front of your mix.

TRANSIENT MASTER can even put life back into pre-processed, over-compressed tracks. When nothing else works, TRANSIENT MASTER can provide an instant mix-fix at the turn of a dial.

TRANSIENT MASTER is indispensible for mixing drums, guitars, pianos, plucked strings – anything with intrinsic attack. It gives you another axis to work on. As well as panning left and right, you can position things quite precisely at the front or back of a mix without juggling volume levels.

Generally, more Attack and less Sustain brings a sound to the front; less Attack and more Sustain blends a sound into the background. Even before EQ, you can effectively ‘stack’ sounds according to the priorities of a particular mix.

Transients are non-tonal material at the onset of a sound. The Attack control emphasizes or de-emphasizes transients, making a sound more or less lively without affecting the overall level. The Sustain control cuts or lengthens the sustain part of a sound.

TRANSIENT MASTER effectively re-shapes the envelope, affecting the sound at its source. Engineers agree that this ‘re-shaping’ delivers particularly natural and musical results – and it’s quick and easy to get there, thanks to the simple, three-knob design. Try TRANSIENT MASTER, and you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

home page:https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/effects/transient-master/

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