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AIR Music Technology Hybrid 3 v3.0.7 R2 [WiN]

键盘合成器 音频吧 572浏览

R2R团队| 2020年10月28日| 18.4兆字节

Hybrid 3.0是综合的下一代。这款高清虚拟合成器将令人垂涎的模拟合成器温暖与全方位的未来数字处理功能结合在一起。结果是两全其美的-一种虚拟乐器,具有一组精确可调的参数,听起来像您记忆中的合成器,或者以前从未有人听到过。


Hybrid 3.0随附了1,200多种鼓舞人心的预设,旨在快速启动创作过程。由著名的AIR声音设计师设计的200多个新音色,包括摆动,合成器打击垫,琶音,多音色合成器,贝司,主音,音序等等。Hybrid老兵将很高兴地发现,熟悉的Hybrid 2.0预设已被完全修改,使用户能够通过Hybrid 3.0的所有声音改进体验他们最喜欢的声音。如果您容易进行调整,则Hybrid 3.0会加载一组全面的用户可调参数,可让您创建独特的声音并对其进行微调以使其具有品味。通过支持两个同步部分(即两个单独的3振荡器合成器的强大组合),您可以分层,分割或传播声音,以产生深沉,复杂而宽广的音色。加,


Hybrid 3.0的每个部分具有三个多功能振荡器和一个子振荡器,能够将多个振荡器堆叠在一起,以形成巨大的打击垫,引线,低音等等。两个多功能振荡器可以重现经典的减法合成波形,产生一定的模拟怀旧感。此外,这些振荡器具有用于数字波表的算法。结果,用户可以从九种不同的模式中进行选择,包括多平方波形,锯齿同步,锯齿交叉调制(用于为复杂音调调制锯齿波的音高和三角波的输出),锯齿多音(a包括七个锯片的叠放),方形同步,方形交叉调制,方形脉冲宽度调制(PWM)和波表。Hybrid 3.0提供100个波表,每个波表最多具有64个单周期波形。第三个振荡器包括锯齿波,方波或三角波,


Hybrid 3.0具有两个可以串联或并联运行的多模式滤波器。此外,可以将每个通道的滤波器分配给立体声输出,也可以进行设置,使振荡器1馈入滤波器1,其余的振荡器被路由到滤波器2。这两个滤波器都可以选择DCF(数控滤波器)或VCF模型。老式的电压控制滤波器(VCF)使实现70年代和80年代那种胖胖,复古的合成声音比以往任何时候都更加容易。该声音滤镜将经典模拟合成硬件滤镜的传奇般的柔和与肥美的温暖带入了Hybrid 3.0。


要增加一些严重的边缘,请调整滤镜饱和度。Hybrid 3.0提供了原始的Overdrive滤镜,该滤镜创建了类似管状的削波,并包括五个附加的滤镜饱和模式:Distort,创建了更硬,更亮的削波;Hard Clip,它会产生非常坚硬且明亮的类似晶体管的削波;整流,产生柔和的失真,保留输入信号的特征;位粉碎,通过减小位深度来创建有意的混叠;重新采样,通过降低采样率来创建故意的混叠。


Hybrid 3.0每部分包括四个LFO:两个单音,一个多音和一个特殊的Pump LFO。使用LFO来调节音调,响度或截止值,以产生颤音,颤音或电子扫描。从八种调制类型中选择,从正弦波和三角波到随机,“漂移”和采样保持调制。更改深度,速率,相位和同步模式,以快速,显着地改变声音。

Pump是一种特殊的信封,可模拟工作室的侧链以产生抽气和呼吸的效果。在Hybrid 3.0的情况下,这种节奏效果可以应用到比整个混音更丰富的效果上。可以对Pump LFO进行路由,以对各种特定参数(例如音高或滤波器设置)产生有节奏的效果。




Hybrid 3.0的新增功能是Hype,它是增强任何补丁程序低端或高端功能的快速方法。通过调整“ Hype Low”(低炒作)参数可以增强低音,低音和底鼓的声音,或者通过调整“ Hype High”(高炒作)来淡化高端音色。后者在打击垫,琴弦,铜管乐器和打击乐器的声音上听起来很棒。


Hybrid 3.0提供了一种使您的音色震撼的新方法。两个“加倍”旋钮(每个部分一个)内置在“通用”选项卡中,用于额外的加宽和增厚。将“加倍”旋钮调到最大以产生戏剧性的响应,或者巧妙地将其混合以产生轻微的增厚效果。


无论您是在工作室中还是在现场使用,Hybrid 3.0都可以执行。使用步进音序器进行琶音或乐句生成。设置调制矩阵以轻松地将调制从源映射到目标。并设置“变形”组以通过界面或MIDI控制器即时修改声音。


Hybrid 3.0的板载16步音序器已经过改进,以提供更多的编程和排序灵活性。现在,可以将各个步骤链接在一起,以改变音序器的节奏,操纵音符动态并创建高级调制模式。像以前一样,两个步进音序器都可以用作合成工具或额外的调制源,使创建移动和发展的音色变得容易。您可以设置音符值,力度和调制,然后从9个播放选项中进行选择,以将音序器用作步进音序,琶音器或MIDI短语生成器。另外,您甚至可以导入自己的MIDI短语以进行完全自定义。


Hybrid 3.0还提供了灵活且易于使用的调制矩阵,具有16个可分配的调制源和每个20多个目的地。将调制分配给振荡器或滤波器。Hybrid 3.0允许对源和目标进行多次分配,所有分配都具有可调整的强度。


使用Hybrid 3.0,您可以将插件界面上的任何旋转控件或推子分配给四个“变形”组之一。将平移,滤波器或放大器的包络分配给一个变形组,以在录制或现场播放时改变控制器的声音。每个变体组可以同时控制多个参数。您又可以从界面上的转盘或MIDI控制器控制变形组。


Hybrid 3.0每个声部提供两个插入效果发送,每个声部具有40多种效果类型,因此您可以快速更改声部的声音。一个单独的主效果器部分使您可以选择混响,延迟和合唱效果,以增强或扭曲音色级别的任何声音。轻松调整效果参数并将效果同步到选定的速度。

Seamless DAW Integration

Hybrid 3.0可用于32位和64位操作系统的VST和AAX插件格式,以及用于64位操作系统的AU。Hybrid 3.0具有丰富的模拟和数字声音集以及大量可调整的参数,它为音乐家,编曲者,作曲家和声音设计师提供了独特的硬件合成器的品质和特性,并具有集成插件的便利性和灵活性。R2R小组注意:

(v3.0.7 R2)


Team R2R | 28 October 2020 | 18.4 MB

The Next Generation in Synthesis
Hybrid 3.0 is the next generation in synthesis. This high-definition virtual synthesizer combines the coveted warmth of analog synths with a full range of futuristic digital manipulation capabilities. The result is the best of both worlds – a virtual instrument with a comprehensive set of precisely adjustable parameters that can sound like a synth you remember or something no one has ever heard before.

1200+ Built-In Sounds

Hybrid 3.0 comes with over 1,200 inspirational presets designed to jumpstart the creative process. Over 200 new patches, designed by the acclaimed AIR sound designers, include everything from wobbles, synth pads, arpeggios, poly synths, basses, leads, sequences, and much more. Hybrid veterans will be pleased to find that the familiar Hybrid 2.0 presets have been completely reworked, allowing users to experience their favorite sounds with all the sonic improvements of Hybrid 3.0. If you’re prone to tweaking, Hybrid 3.0 is loaded with a comprehensive set of user-adjustable parameters that let you create unique sounds and fine-tune them to taste. With support for two simultaneous parts (i.e. a powerful combination of two separate, 3-oscillator synthesizers), you can layer, split, or spread sounds to produce deep, complex, and wide patches. Plus, the simple patch browser makes it easy to find the preset you’re looking for and allows you to load two presets simultaneously, one into each part, for experimenting with rich timbres and playing multi-patch sounds.

High-Definition Oscillators

With three versatile oscillators and a sub oscillator per part, Hybrid 3.0 is capable of stacking multiple oscillators together for huge pads, leads, basses, and more. Two multifunctional oscillators can recreate the classic subtractive-synthesis waveforms for a dose of analog nostalgia. In addition, these oscillators feature algorithms for digital wavetables. As a result, users can choose from nine different modes, including the Multi-Square waveform, Saw Sync, Saw Cross Modulation (which modulates the pitch of a saw wave with the output of a triangle wave for complex tones), Saw Multi (a stack of seven saws in unison), Square Sync, Square Cross Modulation, Square Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), and Wavetable. Hybrid 3.0 offers 100 wavetables with up to 64 single-cycle waveforms each. A third oscillator includes saw, square, or triangle waves, plus a noise generator and a sub oscillator for deep bass effects.

Dual Filtering and Saturation Modes

Hybrid 3.0 features two multi-mode filters that can run in series or in parallel. In addition, the filters can be assigned one per channel to the stereo outputs, or set so that Oscillator 1 feeds Filter 1, with the remaining Oscillators being routed to Filter 2. Both of the filters offer your choice of DCF (Digitally Controlled Filter) or VCF models. The vintage Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF) makes it easier than ever to achieve those fat, retro synth sounds of the ’70s and ’80s. This sound filter brings the legendary soft and fat warmth of classic analog synth hardware filters to Hybrid 3.0.

Use the revolutionary multimode filters to control the tone color of a part by removing or accenting certain frequencies. Choose from an extensive collection of 23 modes. Then dial in the filter cut-off, velocity, and key tracking. Use the resonance dial to change the tone from a nasal sound to a ringing tone by emphasizing frequencies around the cut-off and generating self-oscillation. A blend of the third oscillator and noise generator can serve as an audio modulation source for filter cut-off, producing distinctive electronic audio effects.

To add some serious edge, adjust the filter saturation. Hybrid 3.0 offers the original Overdrive filter, which creates a soft tube-like clipping and includes five additional filter saturation modes: Distort, which creates a harder, brighter clipping; Hard Clip, which creates a very hard and bright transistor-like clipping; Rectify, which creates a gentle distortion that retains the character of the input signal; Bit Crush, which creates deliberate aliasing by reducing the bit depth; and Resample, which creates deliberate aliasing by reducing the sample rate.


Hybrid 3.0 includes four LFOs per part: two monophonic, one polyphonic, and one special Pump LFO. Use the LFOs to modulate pitch, loudness, or cut-off to produce vibrato, tremolo, or electronic sweeps. Choose from eight modulation types, ranging from sine and triangle waves to random, “drift,” and sample-and-hold modulation. Change the depth, rate, phase, and sync mode to quickly and dramatically alter the sound.

Pump is a special type of envelope that simulates studio side-chaining to create the pumping-and-breathing effect. In the case of Hybrid 3.0, this rhythmic effect can be applied to much more than the overall mix. The Pump LFO can be routed to create a rhythmic effect on a variety of specific parameters, such as pitch or filter settings.

Envelope Editors

Use the four envelope editors to easily sculpt the filter, amplitude, and any two other modulation envelopes. Adjust velocity, attack, decay, and key tracking, and then type in the envelope rate.

Hype Algorithm

New to Hybrid 3.0 is Hype, a quick way of enhancing the low- or high- end of any patch. Beef up wobbles, basses, and kick-drum sounds with deep, sub-bass by adjusting the Hype Low parameter, or turn up Hype High to polish off the high end with shimmer and sparkle; the latter sounds great on pads, strings, brass, and percussive sounds.


Hybrid 3.0 offers a new way of making your patches sound enormous. Two Doubling knobs, one for each part, are built into the Common tab for additional widening and thickening. Turn up the Doubling knobs to full for a dramatic response or mix it in subtly for a slight thickening effect.

Performance-Oriented Features

Whether you use it in the studio or in a live situation, Hybrid 3.0 is built to perform. Use the step sequencers for arpeggiation or phrase generation. Set the modulation matrix to easily map modulations from sources to destinations. And set up “morph” groups to modify sounds on the fly, from the interface or a MIDI controller.

Step Sequencers

Hybrid 3.0’s onboard 16-step sequencers have been revamped for more programming and sequencing flexibility. Now, steps can be linked together to vary sequencer rhythm, manipulate note dynamics, and create advanced modulation patterns. Like before, both step sequencers can function as a composition tool or an extra modulation source, making it easy to create patches that move and evolve. You can set note values, velocity, and modulation, and then pick from nine playback options to use the sequencer as a step sequence, arpeggiator, or MIDI phrase generator. Plus, you can even import your own MIDI phrases for complete customization.

Modulation Matrices

Hybrid 3.0 also offers flexible and easy-to-use modulation matrices with 16 assignable modulation sources and more than 20 destinations each. Assign modulations to an oscillator or filter. Hybrid 3.0 allows multiple assignments of sources and destinations, all with adjustable intensities.

Morph Groups

With Hybrid 3.0, you can assign any rotary control or fader on the plugin’s interface to one of the four “morph” groups. Assign pan, filter, or amplifier envelopes to a morph group to alter sounds from your controller while recording or playing live. Each morph group can control several parameters simultaneously. You, in turn, can control morph groups from the dials on the interface or from a MIDI controller.


Hybrid 3.0 provides two insert effect sends per part, each with more than 40 effect types, so you can quickly change the sound of a part. A separate master effects section lets you select reverb, delay, and chorus effects to enhance – or warp – any of the sounds at the patch level. Easily adjust effect parameters and sync effects to a chosen tempo.

Seamless DAW Integration

Hybrid 3.0 is available in VST and AAX plugin formats for both 32- and 64-bit operating systems and in AU for 64-bit operating systems. With its rich set of analog and digital sounds and a large array of adjustable parameters, Hybrid 3.0 gives musicians, arrangers, composers, and sound designers the qualities and character of a unique hardware synthesizer with the convenience and flexibility of an integrated plugin.

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