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MasterClass Sheila E. Teaches Drumming and Percussion [TUTORiAL]

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P2P | 2020年10月11日| 1.92 GB

Sheila E.是世界级的鼓手和打击乐器演奏家,曾与Marvin Gaye和Ringo Starr等人一起演奏,分享了她的个人历程,并邀请您参加她新的关于鼓和打击乐器的大师班,进入充满活力的节奏和演奏世界。无论您是拥有鼓组还是在家中使用锅碗瓢盆,都应学习击鼓的基础知识并立即开始使用。探索希拉的热身程序,学习如何训练舞台,有效地带领乐队,并始终遵循节奏。

Sheila E.出生于一个传奇的音乐家族,从很小的时候就被鼓和打击乐吸引。她的父亲皮特·埃斯科韦多(Pete Escovedo)领导着为《诱惑》和其他巨作开张的乐队,她的叔叔是桑塔纳成员,阿兹台克创始人可口可乐埃斯科韦多和《龙》的前奏马里奥·埃斯科韦多。她在15岁时首次在舞台上独奏,从那一刻起,她就知道表演音乐是她的使命。

Sheila曾与Gloria Estefan,Beyoncé和Jennifer Lopez合作。她的热门歌曲“ The Glamorous Life”(两次获得格莱美奖提名)和“ A Love Bizarre”使她成为多才多艺的音乐家,赢得了更多的赞誉和认可:鼓手,打击乐演奏者,词曲作者,歌手,舞蹈演员和充满活力的表演者。滚石乐队将她列为有史以来最伟大的鼓手之一,现在她正在教你如何赢得舞台。


  • 基本和复杂的鼓音
  • 鼓的类型
  • 寻找你的节奏
  • 独奏和灌装
  • 带领乐队和干扰
  • 热身和练习程序
  • 单打,双打和天堂
  • 训练表现
  • 埃斯科韦多家族
  • 试验打击乐
  • 花鼓和康加鼓

P2P | 11 October 2020 | 1.92 GB

Sheila E., a world-class drummer and percussionist who has played with the likes of Marvin Gaye and Ringo Starr, shares her personal journey and invites you into the dynamic world of rhythm and performance in her new MasterClass on drumming and percussion. Learn the fundamentals of drumming and get started right away, whether you own a drum set or use pots and pans from around your house. Discover Sheila’s warm-up routines and learn how to train for the stage, lead a band effectively, and always follow the beat.

Born into a legendary music family, Sheila E. was drawn to drumming and percussion from a very early age. Her father, Pete Escovedo, led bands that opened for The Temptations and other greats, and her uncles were Santana member and Azteca founder Coke Escovedo and The Dragons’ frontman Mario Escovedo. She performed her first onstage solo at age 15 and knew from that moment that performing music was her calling.

Sheila has played with Gloria Estefan, Beyoncé, and Jennifer Lopez. Her hit songs “The Glamorous Life” (nominated for two Grammy Awards) and “A Love Bizarre” garnered her even more acclaim and recognition as a multitalented musician: a drummer, percussion player, songwriter, singer, dancer, and dynamic performer. Rolling Stone counts her among the greatest drummers of all time, and now she’s teaching you how she claims the stage.

In this online class, you’ll learn about:

  • Basic and complex drum beats
  • Types of drums
  • Finding your rhythm
  • Solos and fills
  • Leading a band and jamming
  • Warm-up and practice routines
  • Singles, doubles, and paradiddles
  • Training for performance
  • The Escovedo family
  • Experimenting with percussion
  • Timbales and conga drums
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